COURSE TITLE: Commercial and Industrial 101

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:Grundfos Pumps Corp., Grundfos Technical Institute

DATE: Oct. 19-21

LOCATION: Olathe, Kansas

COURSE DESCRIPTION:For both the industrial and commercial building service markets, this class provides training on hydraulics, pump fundamentals, pump and system curves, motors, boiler feed applications, multistage pumping, chemical compatibility, and technical guide usage. All types of the Grundfos CR pump are examined with hands-on exercises in the lab. There is a breakout session to feature products specific to industrial or commercial building services applications. Additionally, brief presentations on dosing, immersibles, and boosters will be

COURSE TITLE:An Easy and Practical Approach to Airflow, Air Distribution and Duct Design

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) Central Connecticut Chapter

DATE: Oct. 23

LOCATION: East Windsor, Conn.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This seminar will teach attendees how to recognize an airflow problem with either the fan or duct system and determine the possible solutions. This seminar will cover static pressure, velocity pressure, total pressure, types of fans, fan performance, air flow instruments and measuring airflow; using a duct calculator, fitting losses, system considerations, filters and coils, fpm, cfm and static relationships; and designing an extended plenum and a reducing extended plenum system using the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual

To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.

Publication date:09/20/2010