The Active Silencer™ duct is designed to help with noise control, while allowing heating and cooling units to work at their highest, most energy-efficient speeds, significantly reducing operating costs, says the manufacturer. It is an add-on unit that can be attached to any new or existing air exchange unit or imbedded near the air device without adding resistance to airflow. The duct is designed to be installed at the end of a pipe emitting or sucking air and generating noise. It automatically calibrates to its environment, eliminating more than 10dB(A) of broadband noise at the source. According to the company, contractors can directly install the Active Silencer duct, saving time, labor, and material costs as it eliminates the need for long, complicated labyrinths and ducts to reduce noise.

Silentium Ltd., 2 Bergman St., Tamar Science Park, Rehovot 76703 Israel; 972-8-946-8664; 972-8-946-8604 (fax);;

eProduct 181