ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) andThe NEWSannounced “Contracting Week,” a brand-new annual event bringing together contractors in a number of fields for specialized training and networking. To be held Oct. 5-10 in Fort Worth, Texas, Contracting Week is a series of four powerhouse learning events for the HVACR industry.

On Oct. 5 and 6, the first Green Contracting Summit will kick off the week by bringing contractors together to learn from experts and each other about the new green world.

On Oct. 7 and 8, the 3rd Annual National HVACR Service Managers Forum will offer focused education and networking for contracting service managers. This popular forum features an all-new learning lineup focused on helping service managers improve their companies, their divisions, and their personal management skills. This unique format presents six workshops, each repeated, so that service managers can participate in all of them.

Also on Oct. 7 and 8, the 7th Annual Commercial Contracting Roundtable will bring together top commercial contracting owners and executives for an intensive series of sessions on leadership and innovation in the commercial HVACR arena. It will feature a new lineup of 12 seminars led by contractors and experts offering insights into leadership, operations, and service innovation.

And on Oct. 9 and 10, the Refrigeration Contracting Roundtable will be the first educational conference designed exclusively by and for the contracting businesses that design, install, and maintain refrigeration systems.

By bringing the two-day meetings together over the course of one week, participants gain a number of options for expanding their leadership skills. Contractors can attend one two-day event, or choose specially-priced packages for two events or even the whole week.

Registration is now open for all four events held during Contracting Week at or by calling 703-824-8856. Early bird registration, with a $100 discount, is available until Aug. 13.

Limited sponsorship opportunities are also available for each event; for display and sponsorship information, contact Richard Ware at 703-824-8843 or

Publication date:07/12/2010