COURSE TITLE:Service And Installation Training, Module RT1

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:WaterFurnace International Inc.

DATE:March 16-18, 2010

LOCATION:Maple Grove, Minn.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:Designed for installers, service technicians and service managers, this course focuses on installation and service procedures. Topics include the basics of water-side analysis, troubleshooting, and heat of extraction/rejection. The focus is on the manufacturer’s Premier, E Series, Synergy3, Versatec and IntelliZone products. The prerequisite for the course is an understanding of heat pumps, refrigeration, and electrical by the attendee.

COURSE TITLE:BPI Building Analyst Training Course


DATE:March 15, 2010

LOCATION:New Haven, Conn.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:The course will teach students basic principles of building science to assess energy efficiency in a home while also monitoring conditions that have a direct impact on human health and safety. Building Performance Institute standards emphasize the house-as-a-system approach to inspecting a home, meaning that all systems are interconnected from the HVAC equipment, to the envelope, the foundation, walls, roof, doors, and windows. Attendees will learn how to use diagnostic equipment such as the blower door and the combustion analyzer to ensure systems are functioning together correctly to maximize home performance, comfort, energy efficiency, safety, and

To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.

Publication date:02/22/2010