According to statistics in aChicago Tribunesurvey, advertisements using 1-800 vanity phone numbers have proven to generate 10 times greater response than advertisements using local numeric phone numbers.

These statistics are some of the motivation for a new service at The Website lists several reasons for the popularity of 1-800 vanity phone numbers:

• 1-800 vanity numbers are synonymous with an established, well-recognized company.

• Once a number is licensed for a territory it is exclusively yours, giving you a competitive advantage.

• Vanity phone numbers are easier to remember than numeric ones.

• Consumers associate 1-800 vanity numbers with a specific service, and when in need of the service, will dial that number first.

• A productive advertisement featuring a 1-800 vanity phone number increases the ad’s response rate by 30 percent or more.

• The return on investment will be easily seen with the increase in calls and new customers.

For more information, visit or e-mail

Publication date:01/26/2009