Gasmaster Industries’ GMI 4 M Gasmaster Condensing Boiler is a hot water boiler/water heater used for commercial and institutional applications. This high efficiency, condensing boiler is used supplies hot water at 99.8 percent efficiency. The hot water supply can be used for space heating, domestic hot water, snow melting, heating greenhouses, and various other applications.

Made of highly durable stainless steel, this product has been designed to make retrofit application installations easier for technicians. According to the company, in some applications old equipment doesn’t even need to be removed from the boiler room. The absence of moving parts inside the boiler decreases wear and tear on the unit. With all of the electronic parts located outside the boiler shell, the unit becomes highly accessible for service and maintenance and helps reduce service call duration. It doesn’t require any vibration isolators or seismic controllers.

Gasmaster Industries