ATLANTA - The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) have formalized an agreement to cooperate in several technical issues, such as assessing and addressing remaining chlorofluorocarbon-based chillers. The two organizations also will promote sustainable activities in areas such as emissions reduction and energy-efficient systems and building design.

“ASHRAE and the HVACR industry are responding to growing global demand for new technologies that do not contribute to ozone depletion and are energy efficient,” said Terry Townsend, ASHRAE president. “Energy efficiency is a key issue because the burning of fossil fuels to generate electric power is considered a major greenhouse gas emitter. By partnering with UNEP/DTIE, we can further our respective work by mutual exchange of technical guidance.”

“Thirty months from now, CFCs will only be found in history books with a remaining burden to deal with thousands of tons banked in existing systems,” said Rajendra Shende of UNEP. “An international debate has just also triggered about accelerated scenarios for phasing out HCFCs as well as the future of higher global warming HFC refrigerants. It’s quite clear that the HVACR industry has and will continue evolving rapidly to respond to such global concerns and movements. Joining hands with ASHRAE as a world pioneering association in HVACR will definitely have its positive impact in addressing many clients with latest technologies and updates.”

Publication Date:08/27/2007