The Unitronix, stock number 9207, is a high-efficiency, multiwatt output replacement motor. The supermarket case evaporator fan motor is an electronically commutated motor (ECM) that can replace a variety of OEM shaded pole evaporator fan motors. It is designed as a 3-in-1TM multiwatt output motor. This allows it to replace 6-, 9-, and 12-W PSC and less-efficient shaded pole unit bearing motors. According to the manufacturer, using it as a retrofit to replace shaded pole OEM motors can save the user up to 65 percent in energy usage. The motor uses less wattage to achieve the same airflow as a shaded pole motor, so it produces less heat, and fewer Btu in the system means less work for the compressor and reduced compressor wear, claims the company. Bulletin 6029 on the motor is available for download at

A.O. Smith Electrical Products,

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