YORK, Pa. - Citing the globally mandated transition away from ozone-depleting refrigerants, York International Corp. announced that it will stop offering new chillers using HCFC-123 refrigerant beginning Nov. 15, 2004.

Iain Campbell, York Americas president, noted that HCFC-123, an ozone-depleting chemical, is designated by the Montreal Protocol and the U.S. Clean Air Act as a transitional refrigerant. It is to be used for only a limited time, to enable manufacturers to develop centrifugal chillers utilizing refrigerants with zero ozone-depletion potential (ODP). "The legislated phaseout of HCFC refrigerants began in 2004," said Campbell, "and the demand for HCFC-123 chillers is falling globally. York believes the time has come to complete the transition by ceasing to offer new HCFC-123 chillers. Today, we have a full line of zero-ODP chillers utilizing HFC refrigerants, which have no phaseout schedule.

"Our HCFC-123 chiller is an excellent product. However, given that centrifugal chillers have a lifespan of 25 years or more, York no longer considers it prudent to recommend customers purchase a new centrifugal chiller using a refrigerant that is subject to a globally mandated phaseout schedule - not if there are better alternatives, and we have better alternatives."

During the transition period, Campbell said, York pursued product development programs for zero-ODP chillers. "As a result, today York has a full portfolio of HFC centrifugal chillers, which are economically priced and which meet or exceed energy-code requirements, both present and for the foreseeable future. An additional benefit is that they can contribute one point toward certification in the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program. For these reasons, York recommends that its customers continue transitioning to zero-ODP, high-efficiency, HFC centrifugal chillers."

York will continue to support all brands of installed CFC and HCFC chillers with maintenance, parts, enhancements, and service. "Further, if a customer has already placed an order for a York HCFC-123 chiller, there is no reason to change that decision. York's current action is only to stop offering new HCFC-123 chillers. All orders already received will be executed normally," Campbell said.

Customers with questions about York chillers should contact their nearest York office or call 800-861-1001. A list of offices and phone numbers is available on the York Web site at www.york.com.

Publication date: 11/08/2004