PagePilot, a service of Online-Access Inc., is designed to be a user-friendly, non-technical Web site generation system that allows users to bypass the need for technical help or assistance to generate a Web site themselves and more easily maintain it with current information and images.

According to the company, features of PagePilot include:

  • “Non-technical” control and simplified editing capabilities;

  • Instant turnkey setup;

  • Real-time updating;

  • Online image filing and storage;

  • Auto image sizing and thumbnail creation;

  • Automatic fax forwarding of schedule requests and technical questions;

  • Twenty-five Pop3 e-mail accounts;

  • Unlimited forwarding accounts;

  • Extensive third-party library; and

  • Group shared and private image libraries.

    According to Online-Access, “Building a page is as simple as highlighting and copying what you want to publish from your favorite PC word processing or spreadsheet program, and pasting it into your site.”

    For more information, call 810-985-6603 or visit

    Publication date: 03/24/2003