WASHINGTON, DC — The Alliance to Save Energy has launched a newspaper advertising campaign highlighting potential consumer savings from the 13-SEER air conditioning provision in the Senate energy bill now being debated.

The ads feature a talking central air conditioner proclaiming the annual savings that consumers could see on their electric bills from the proposed 30% increase in efficiency: $30 million in Arizona; over $70 million in Georgia; $9 million in Nevada; $3 million in Oregon; and $5 million in Utah. Nationwide, according to the Alliance, the savings could reach $1 billion annually by 2020 when the more energy-efficient units would be widely used.

“By advising consumers how much they will save on their electric bills, we are also raising awareness that a vote to strip the air conditioner efficiency provision from the energy bill will also strip them of substantial savings,” stated David M. Nemtzow, Alliance president.

The Alliance ads are co-sponsored by one or more local partners in each state:

  • Arizona — Southwest Energy Efficiency Project;

  • Georgia — Georgians for Clean Energy, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and Southface Energy Institute;

  • Nevada — Southwest Energy Efficiency Project;

  • Oregon — Northwest Energy Coalition and Citizens’ Utility Board and;

  • Utah — Utahns for an Energy Efficient Economy, Wasatch Clean Air Coalition, and Southwest Energy Efficiency Project.

    Publication date: 04/12/2002